Friday, October 11, 2013

If I knew you were coming I woulda baked a cake

Hey All!

Welcome to the support group! Since I'm already here, I guess I'll start with the introductions. My name is Dez, and I'm a game-aholic. In particular I'm on Warhammer 40K and dabble in Fantasy. Lately I've been mainlining X-Wing. I've also been known to get blasted on Hordes, suck down a pint of Malifaux or free base Flames of War. If it's a game, I've probably done it. 

So hello to my fellow plastic crack addicts and resin heads. 

Does anyone have trouble focusing? I call it E.G.A.D.D: Excitable Gamer Attention Deficit Disorder. Please take a badge on the way out to show your support. 

I play multiple armies, and work on multiple projects at the same time. I get so many ideas it's too hard to contain myself. I love to add lots of fun twists to my armies in concept, mostly visual. I'm hoping all of you will find a bit of something to take away and use yourself. 

I love helping new, budding players. I remember what it was like, so my goal is to post up lots of helpful hints as well as painting and modeling tricks. I love finding a fast way to paint armies, I like to put my time into the modeling and details. 

So stay tuned, I'll probably be posting several times a day. Have a news story, product, or your own army to share? Questions? Advice for yours truly? Let me know. 

Alright, who is next? Please introduce yourself in the comments below. And Thank you for your support.

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